We have two guests this time around, young thirty-somethings and brothers, Peter and Bryan Fahy , originally from Salthill in Ireland's Galway City, who came to live in New York just only in the last ten years, but are in the...
Legalizing the Irish. In the days before Monday October 14th 1991, thousands converged on a post office in Merrifield, Virginia. They had come from throughout the United States and represented countries the world over. They a...
Dubliner Susan McKeown has made a career in music. This is no small feat, and tells us she is an accomplished singer and innovative songwriter. And now, through the Cuala Foundation, she's become a social entrepreneur in the...
Pat Lally is a Galwayman. He hails from the county in Ireland that is the second largest of that country's famed set of thirty two. And that county is Galway. County Galway is named for Ireland's famous, most western city, G...
Few neighborhoods, if any, in New York City have gone through as many upheavals over the last 60 years, as has Bushwick in Brooklyn. For an area that covers a mere two and a half square miles, the sea-changes it has witness...
Perhaps it came about from the confines of her upbringing, and the little say she had in decisions that greatly affected her life, but Peggy Cooney has a rebel's soul. And as with all the rebellious, she has come to negotiat...
John Houlihan is a native of Ringsend, a fishing village in Ireland, absorbed long ago into the great city of Dublin, the nation's capital. But Ringsend still retains its unique customs and traditions, and a flavor of a Dub...
John McGurrin was a mere lad of twelve years when his family upped stakes in his native County Cavan, Ireland, and headed for New York, unlike many Irish immigrants who arrive on the shores of the United States as young, sing...
Like many a man before him, Michael Doherty left his home in Ireland, and followed his brother to New York, in search of a steady wage. What he hadn't figured on was the big down payment he'd have to pay to America soon afte...
Our very first episode! Though still a teenager, Helen Ward left her small village in rural County Longford, Ireland, in 1960, to come to New York. Now a mother, a grandmother, and a widow, living in the traditionally Irish n...
We will be dropping our first couple of full episodes in the run up to Thanksgiving (that's before November 26th, for those of you who do not live Stateside). In episode 1, we'll be talking with Helen Ward, a great lady who c...